Tackling persistent gum problems through advanced periodontal therapy
Gum problems? We have the solution!
At TruYou Dental, we understand the toll persistent gum problems can take on your daily life. Our revolutionary periodontal therapy, powered by advanced laser technology, is designed to confront the issue head-on.
If traditional treatments have left you searching for a more effective solution, look no further. Book your appointment today and take control of your oral health journey with a personalized approach crafted to keep your gums and teeth healthy for a lifetime.
What is periodontal therapy?
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common inflammatory condition affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. It starts as gingivitis, characterized by red, swollen gums that may bleed easily. If not treated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, where the gums pull away from the teeth, forming pockets susceptible to infection. This can lead to the destruction of the supporting bone, potentially causing tooth loss.
Gum disease therapy encompasses a range of treatments aimed at controlling the infection and damage caused by periodontal disease. The specific approach we’ll recommend depends on the severity of the disease. Our therapy is tailored to your unique needs. Let us help you achieve a healthier, vibrant smile.
Explore Our Treatments
Scaling and Root Planing
This effective deep-cleaning procedure targets plaque and tartar, promoting healthier gums and preventing periodontal issues.
Gingival Flap Surgery
This procedure involves lifting the gums away from the teeth to access and clean the roots and bone beneath. It helps remove tartar deposits and infected tissue, promoting better oral health.
Osseous Surgery
Following the gingival flap procedure, osseous surgery involves reshaping or smoothing the bone that supports the teeth. This step helps eliminate irregularities in the bone, fostering a healthier foundation for the teeth.
Advanced Laser Technology
Our investment in cutting-edge technology ensures precise, minimally invasive treatments for various dental concerns, especially gum disease. The laser’s targeted approach means less discomfort, faster recovery, and optimal results. Say goodbye to traditional methods and embrace the efficiency of laser technology — your path to pain-free, advanced dental care.
Affordable Care Awaits
At our practice, we’re committed to making outstanding dental care accessible to all, regardless of insurance coverage. That’s why we’re glad to offer our Membership Plan — a testament to our dedication to affordability without sacrificing quality.
Reach out to us today to discover personalized payment options that align perfectly with your financial preferences.
Why Choose TruYou Dental?
At TruYou Dental, we prioritize your smile. Our range of dental services is all about tailoring care to your needs, using the latest tech while keeping your comfort and goals in mind.
If you’re looking for effective gum disease therapy in NY and NJ, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to make your oral health journey as seamless and comfortable as possible!